
Margaret Cho is Stupid

The hypocrisy of "The Left" is almost unbelievable, except that we see it on such a consistent basis that it jolts us back to reality...yes, the same people who cry and moan about all of the "hate" being spread by "The Right," or complain about the "religious bigotry and intolerance" in the world are the very same ones who spew more hatred toward "religion" and Conservatives in one sitting than I have been able to come up with in my entire life toward anyone or anything. Take Margaret Cho, for instance (Please!). Yes, the comedienne-who-was-never-funny-to-begin-with (what is it with these female comics? see Ellen DeGeneres...also not funny) turned political spokesperson is officially both dumb and hateful at the same time. (See here for a transcript of Margaret Cho and others at the moveon.org awards last year. Warning, it is VERY EXPLICIT.) Equating what our soldiers are doing in Iraq with what the terrorists are doing....saying "we started it so we deserve what we get" only serves to further defy logic and sound reasoning...you know, typical liberal "facts" (though how a post-modern liberal arrives at what "facts" are is still a little bewildering). I am still baffled....apparently the only things that are wrong in this world can be blamed solely on the "Religious Right." Man...I wish the world were that small, and these were our only problems. Apparently Ms. Cho has forgotten about 9/11...correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't something significantly bad happen on that date a few years ago? Doesn't our "war on terror" have something to do with 9/11? Sorry.....not in Margaret Cho's world. Also, in case there was any doubt about Ms. Cho's "political leanings," check this out...she fulfilled what appears to be one of the major prerequisites for being a left-wing liberal by stating that it was "difficult to figure out her ballot" when she voted, and also decries the fact that our prisoners don't have a right to vote since they know how things "really are." Brilliant! The intellect ranks right up there with Rosie O'Donnell....as long as the "Left" are represented by out-of-touch "pseudo-intellectuals" such as Margaret Cho and Rosie O'Donnell, do we really have anything to worry about? Just give them enough rope....they'll do the rest....


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