
First Knight and Philosophy

Iraqis celebrate in the street after their first free election in over 50 years...taken from FoxNews.com 1/31/05

"Either what we hold to be right and good and true is right and good and true for all mankind, under God, or we're just another robber- tripe!"
"There is a peace that is to be found only on the other side of war."
The above quotes are from the movie First Knight. While it didn't do so well at the Box Office, and it is probably not even in my top 25 or even 50 movies, I did enjoy it. The words above are words that Sean Connery's King Arthur uttered as he met with the Knights of the Round Table and debated the idea of whether or not to fight the enemy and "cause" a war. Do you just stand idly by while innocent people suffer? Or do you intervene to protect those who cannot protect themselves? I believe these words....I believe they are relevant words, not just for a movie, but for our lives and the life of our country. Do we believe this? Is our nation really the "greatest nation on earth?" If so, do we not, then, in turn, have a responsibility to try and spread the message and liberty of true freedom and protect the innocent from those who would seek to impose their "tyrannical will" upon those who are not in a position to protect themselves? I believe this is what is being done in Iraq. Yes, the cost is great, but our great servicemen know the risk when they sign up. That is what makes them so heroic! We have them to thank that we can even have the right to disagree with the war. Iraq was ruled by a minority, extremist, violent, tyrannical group whose leader has, over the years, committed genocide and other atrocities....that leader is now out of the picture, but there are some who hate freedom. They benefit too much from the way things used to be. Now, Iraq has held their first free election in several decades and the people are getting their first taste of true freedom! See the hands raised, victoriously! Defiantly! What a historic day in the life of Iraq! Yet, in our own country, the liberal would have you to believe this is just a small step than means very little. (Wouldn't it be interesting to see this election take place if Kerry had won our election and see if they had dismissed it so easily then?) But tell that to the people dancing and celebrating freedom and the election in the streets! I believe they would say something entirely different! To my liberal friend, I would just like to remind you that "freedom is never free...."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Freedom is never free I agree but now the wheels are in motion let us acknowledge that "Free people will set the course of history" (gwb), and this will be as true in Iraq as elsewhere. With Kerry in power this election would have been of much less effect. With Kerry in power we would be waiting for a deus-ex machina to save us in Iraq, with Bush the policy vindicates itself.

9:49 AM  

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