Mondays, blah, cold, yuck!
I hate "Mondays." Even the sound of the name......sounds too much like mundane. I wish I could have a portable caffeine IV Drip with which to wheel around the office. I wonder if the company would spring for that?
Of course, it was great to see family over the weekend, though the occasion that brought us together was not the best. Why can't we say the things to the living that we say about them when they are gone? Perhaps it is time for a new "New Year's Resolution" in which I resolve to let all of my friends and family know how important they are to me and how much I love them all. I don't want to wait until it is too late to let everyone know what an impact they've had on my life. If you are reading this, and you're related to me or are a friend of mine....know that you have profoundly influenced me. Hopefully I will let you know this personally in the coming weeks.
Now, isn't God great? Even through all the difficulties of life and heartaches that we experience He is always there! The same Spirit that speaks to me and is at work in my life speaks to other Christians all around the world! It is exciting to me to see this at work. When you get a phone call or letter of encouragement at just the right time from a fellow-believer that didn't even "know" you had a need. This is God at work! He is faithful to us and continues to work in daily circumstance. May we all desire to be that "encourager" to someone this week. "God help me to be a blessing to someone each day this week." I pray this for you as well. AMEN

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