Election Certification
Well, I guess they FINALLY certified the presidential election. Did you hear about how some of the Senators and Congressmen protested the Ohio electoral vote? Guess who? Barbara Boxer (D) of California with Ted Kennedy's (D - MA) support and all the Black Caucus delayed the certification process and caused a 2 hour delay where the House and Senate had to meet separately to have discussion over whether or not to certify the 20 votes from Ohio. Necessary? Extreme? No, not necessary.....Extreme? Yes. Why do voters from these states continue to elect these career politicians? These are the most extreme examples of why Term Limits should be imposed. In a time where our country is becoming more divided, raising a stink at the Electoral College certification is not something we need. The way I see it, the Dems complain when the results don't go their way, but are all for the process when it works for them (See Washington Governor's race where the vote was counted 3 times! After the Dem lost, they recounted...and the Dem gained.....so they recounted the 3rd time and the Dem won!) It is odd to me why it is always the Democrats who end up gaining after recounts.....Anyway....be a gracious loser. Yes, you and your liberal agenda got decimated at the polls this election, but don't take out your frustrations on the entire country and attempt to thwart our established policies and regulations.....just lose and accept it, graciously. I lived with 8 years of Bill Clinton...surely you can survive 4 more years of Bush......you just won't be able to do so with your gay spouse.....

Hear! Hear! Can it be? Another person with a rational conservative viewpoint? It must be the name.
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