
What We Really Need is Restoration...

"To make Christianity a private affair while banishing all privacy is to relegate it to the rainbow's end or the Greek Calends." --C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory
We live in a time where sin is being exalted and Christianity is systematically being attacked. While unrighteousness is coming out of the closet, society and (now) government are beginning to force Christianity back into the closet. Some movements tell us that what they do with their private lives is of no concern to the public, all the while bringing their fight into the public arena. These same crowds would tell us that Christianity, the same Christianity upon which our country was founded...the same Christianity that pioneered modern science....now has no place in the public arena. They say We shouldn't have a voice or say in our government; we shouldn't be allowed to speak publicly in opposition to unrighteousness because it is "hate speech." Could we not apply the same expected standard to those in opposition to Christianity?

In 1947, the ACLU created the present-day idea of "Separation of Church and State." This erroneous doctrine has led to many other bad decisions, and we are now at the point where 67% of the American public actually believe that the words "Separation of Church and State" appear in our Constitution when, in fact, no such phrase appears. I wonder, What is to be feared from Christians being involved in govermnent? What is so scary about people believing in God? As Christians, we are not in pursuit of a Theocracy, so why all the paranoia and hysteria regarding Christianity? In my mind, this only serves to further demonstrate man's sinful state and the fact that we are at enmity with God.

Type in "Founding Fathers Christianity" into Google, and the first several links you see will be revisionists trying to erase the Christian-ness from the founding of our country. The fact remains that while there were some of our Founding Fathers that were not Christians, there were many who were Christians. As a matter of fact, 27 of the 56 who are considered "Founding Fathers" held Christian Seminary Degrees. One need only look at the Mayflower Compact to see our Christian Heritage at the humble beginnings of our country. (One has to wonder To Whom are they referring when they used "year of our Lord?" in so many documents) (To see many more quotes and statements of belief by the original 55 delegates, click here)

I'm reminded of II Chronicles 7:14 which tells us "(If) My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land." You see, this, too, is Spiritual Warfare. This is not a political battle, but a battle between Good and Evil for the hearts and souls of individuals and the Heart and Soul of a nation. If we as God's people are to see God in His splendor and wisdom winning the heart of a nation, we must, in humility, pray and seek after the One True God, and repent of our own sin and wrong. As we do so, God, who "cannot lie"(Hebrews 6:18 and Titus 1:2) will hear and forgive and heal as He promises. Christian, are you listening???


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