The Makings of an Assault...
As my Brother-in-Law sent the G.K. Chesterton Quote of the Day (above) to me this morning, he also wrote a paragraph relating to the filibustering going on in the senate right now over judicial nominations. It is interesting to see the division that seems to be presenting itself in this country. As evidenced by the filibustering, it would seem that the heart of the differences lie much deeper than that of politics. Richard, my Brother-in-Law, (also a Prosecuting Attorney) offers the following insights:
Have you been following the Senate much regarding breaking the filibuster on Bush's judicial nominations? The previous Sunday was "Justice Sunday," and I heard Al Mohler speak. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've not been all that concerned about the assault on Christianity that actually is more pervasive than I wanted to believe. When you hear about some of the questions (I use that term loosely) being asked of particular nominees there is no doubt that there is indeed a particular prejudice not just against conservative (social) issues but against Believers in general or at this point, at least, the Believers who are attempting to be a part of the political system. Many talk about a "litmus test" that must be passed in order to obtain consent by the Senate. Apparently, there is a litmus test and Christians need not apply.Perhaps the time is fast approaching when Christian persecution will increase exponentially here in America. Let us remember to pray for our National Leaders, interceding on their behalf for wisdom....true wisdom that comes only from The One who rules and reigns from On High! There is no debate or filibustering in His Courtroom!
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