Alito, A Good Judge
Oh to be a Supreme Court Nominee....I've never understood the line of questioning that comes up during these Judiciary Committee hearings. It seems to me that the questions that are asked, such as, "Where do you stand on abortion," or "How would you rule on a case involving abortion," or "will you vote to overturn Roe vs. Wade" are missing the point. Is being a Supreme Court Judge simply about A woman's "right" to kill her baby? This whole process is irony at its best. The liberals fear in a "conservative" judge the very thing they laud in a "liberal" judge. However, the conservative judge would answer exactly as Alito has thus far. He argues for precedence and weighing the evidence on a case by case basis, impartially. Isn't this what a judge should do? But, as is evident in recent years, this is far from what liberal judges have done. We have seen legislation from the bench due to these types of liberal judges who are joining countless others in revising and rewriting not only our laws, but even our history. Here is an excerpt from a Washington Post Article:
But Democrats often portrayed him as too eager to side with the police, the president and corporations in disputed matters. They chafed at his refusal to wholeheartedly embrace or flatly disavow several contentious memos and speeches he wrote in the 1980s as a Reagan administration lawyer. Saying he would keep "an open mind" tells people nothing, said Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), because no nominee would be foolish enough to say his mind is closed.Well, thank you Mr. Schumer. What an astute observation. If you know this going in, then one wonders why you even ask the question. Do you think it would make Mr. Schumer happy if Alito said he was in support of abortion and would never overturn Roe vs. Wade regardless of the merits of the case? Is that really the answer he is seeking? It seems to me that a good judge, the kind we should be seeking to be on our Supreme Court, would answer just as Alito has answered. This will all be forgotten soon after Alito, perhaps one of the more competent judges that will be confirmed in recent memory (along with Roberts) is at work with the other Supreme Court Justices and the Looney Left stops their ridiculous fabrications in an attempt to keep him from being confirmed. I'm for you, Mr. Alito, and may God use you as you make those all-important decisions in your new role as Supreme Court Justice. I believe you will make a wonderful Supreme Court Justice.

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